About Me

In mid 2011 I lay ill in bed for almost a week as a dear friend pointed out to me, that I should watch a certain lecture about “lies about food in our time” from an Austrian lecturer on YouTube (because I never attended his lectures in person). So I did how I was told, because I hadn’t anything better to do in bed anyway… ;)
This lecture changed my understanding about my body, even if it wasn’t about telling people to go raw at all. It was more about how the body processes food and where the waste-products, that the body can’t process, will go.
This opened my eyes to the need of helping our body to stay healthy. I understood that the less we modify our food, the better it is for our body. So my raw food adventure started…
But not until I came across Dr. Douglas Graham’s book “The 801010 diet” that I really understood the role of what we put into our body when it comes to health. Everything that enters our body has to be processed by it. And our body needs proper food, proper activity, proper sunlight, proper air and water and, most importantly, proper thoughts as well. I recommend Dr. Douglas Graham’s book most dearly to everyone.
It was a once in a lifetime chance to get to know the author of “The 801010 diet” at the Fruits and Health Festival 2013. :)
It wasn't easy for me in the beginning. Although my body felt instantly better when I switched to a raw fruits and vegetable based diet, I had food cravings for almost eight months. That was, on occasions, a not very pleasant time, especially when I was stressed out about something, and I was used to getting comfort out of my food.
But since I started going raw, I was blessed with the best health and fitness level in my whole life (since I started working out about six times a week). That's worth all the hardship. It’s a wonderful journey, and I’m very glad I found that path.
More about raw food and 80-10-10 you will find here: What is the 80-10-10 raw vegan lifestyle?
- The 80/10/10 Diet (on US Amazon)
- 80/10/10 Diet: Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life One Luscious Bite at a Time (on UK Amazon)
- 80/10/10 Diet: Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life One Luscious Bite at a Time (on DE Amazon)
- Wahre Alternativen – Helmuth Matzner über die Ernährungslügen unserer heutigen Zeit (German) watch on YouTube