Here you will find 371 vegan raw-food-dishes from my daily life. They were prepared with love to fruits and vegetables.
High carbohydrate raw vegan lifestyle and recipes
In the fruits and veggie directory you can get information about fruit and veggies and how to ripen your fruits or how to know when stuff is ripe.
Latest from the raw food blog

The Fully Raw Diet [Buchvorstellung]
In Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram's neuem Buch The Fully Raw Diet geht es rund um die high carb rohköstliche Lebensweise und alles was für sie notwendig ist.

Simple Green Smoothies [Buchvorstellung]
In diesem farbenfrohen Buch mit über 280 Seiten dreht sich alles um grüne Smoothies und wie man sie in sein Leben einbaut.

Interview für Fruity Habits
Johanna von hat mich zum Thema Rohkost befragt. Hier findet ihr meine Antworten auf ihre Fragen.

Raw Health And Happiness now also in Hungarian and Dutch
We have great news for everyone interested in raw food: Raw Health And Happiness is now also available in Hungarian and Dutch!

LFRV-Interview by Tiasha
I got interviewed by lovely Tjaša from It really took some time to answer all her questions, but I'm sure you will find the interview interesting!

Fruits and Health Festival 2015 in Slovenia
Guests, location and part of the schedule for next year's Fruits and Health Festival in Slovenia are already fixed! I can't wait for this (r)awesome event to happen again. I gained a lot of inspiration on both of the last two year's events. Next year we can enjoy Don Bennett, Dr. Sam and Ellen Livingston! And of course we will feast on gorgeous, seasonal fruits! <3
Latest from fruits and veggies directory

The raspberry belongs to the rose family. Depending on the type, raspberries can be harvested from June until the freezing weather in late fall.They can be stored in a cool and dry place for a short period of time, bu...

The watermelon originates from Africa and is now cultivated in warmer regions all over the world. It's available here mainly in summer and also imported earlier.It's best to store it at a cool place.
Latest from frequently asked question area

I can't eat raw foods, I immediately get stomach issues
This problem is often caused by what has been in the stomach or bowl earlier and creates a blockade for the easy to digest fruits or leafy greens, which causes fermentation.

What do you eat as a raw vegan?
I eat raw fruits and vegetables (especially leafy greens) and now and then a small amounts nuts and seeds (if they're raw).

How long have I been vegan and how long raw?
I've started eating raw vegan in the middle of 2011. Before that I was vegetarian for five years.